
Gathers and preserves material and historical data about A.A. in order to maintain the continuity of the program in the WCD. Sample project: Collecting photographs of local meeting halls.

Cooperation with the Elderly

Provides information about A.A. to senior citizens and professionals who work with seniors. Sample projects: Delivering A.A. pamphlets to local senior centers, assisted living facilities and Meals On Wheels; attending senior conferences and health fairs.

Cooperation with the Professional Community

Helps acquaint judges, probation officers, medical professionals, and educational institutions (including medical, dental, nursing, teaching and law schools) with the A.A. program. Sample project: Contacting second- and third-year medical students at UCLA and Loyola Medical Schools, to explain what A.A. does and does not do.

Cooperation with the Young Community

Works closely with SOCALYPAA — the Southern California Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous Conference — in hosting an annual large-scale Young People's Conference. Sample project: Hosting monthly Pancake Breakfast fund-raisers.


Encourages A.A. members to assume responsibility for carrying the message to alcoholics behind the walls (“insiders”), and facilitates participation in three programs: Prerelease Contact, Corrections Correspondence and Metro 1-on-1. Sample project: Attending the monthly L.A. Hospitals & Institutions Committee meeting to recruit volunteers and distribute pamphlets/request forms.

GSR Outreach

Works to attract and retain GSRs (General Service Representatives). Sample project: Organizing a Workshop to provide encouragement and training for GSRs.

Guidelines & Policy

Acts as a resource for interpretation of the existing G&P and for monitoring the application of the G&P. Reviews proposed policy changes for possible conflicts with SCAA Guidelines and/or the A.A. Service Manual. Sample project: Updating the existing Committee descriptions and adding new committees.

Policy & Guidelines as of October 2022


Encourage Grapevine Reps and provide suggestions that will help them explain to their meetings what the Grapevine is, and what is included with subscriptions. Recruit Grapevine Reps for meetings that do not currently have one. Sample project: Collecting previously owned Grapevines for distribution to GSRs who will take them to meetings.


Keeps the WCD informed about the status of new, proposed and revised A.A. literature. Reviews current literature for changes and additions, and makes it available at district and other meetings. Sample project: Spotlighting various pamphlets at WCD meetings to educate GSRs about literature that can be ordered from the General Service Office and the L.A. Central Office.

Public Information

Informs the general public about the A.A. program. Sample project: Distributing pamphlets to local hotels/motels, libraries, high schools, police stations, hospitals, free clinics and homeless shelters.

Redistricting Ad-Hoc

A fact-finding, ad hoc committee formed to collect information from districts in the WCD that have requested new boundaries, and to share it with the Area 05 redistricting committee. Sample project: Creating maps that show current districts and proposed changes.


Expands General Service participation of more meetings, keeps the meeting list current for the districts and area assemblies, updates information about each meeting, keeps attendance records and registers new GSRs.

Special Events

Organizes and hosts two annual WCD events: The “Not A Glum Lot Service Festival” and the “Love and Service Festival.” Sample projects: Creating flyers for each event, facilitating donations from A.A. groups, and recruiting volunteers for all necessary service positions.

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Treatment Facilities

Provides information to administrators and patients in alcohol treatment facilities. Facilitates contact between experienced A.A. members and newcomers who are being discharged. Sample project: Attending the monthly L.A. Hospitals & Institutions Committee meeting to distribute “Bridging The Gap” request forms to Treatment Panel leaders.